本集團專業的調香師團隊從生活中獲得靈感通過先進技術,按客戶的要求及市場的趨勢,從香水、個人護理產品(如: 化妝品、護髮用品)、到洗衣 (如: 肥皂、洗滌劑)以及除臭劑、空氣清新劑等產品,為這些行業的生產商提供優質的日用香精,以創造出和諧美好的香精產品。

The Group has a team of professional flavorers who takes inspiration from the living environment and , through the advanced technology to achieve the customers’ requirement and the fragrances market trend, produces wide range of daily and quality fragrances products, ranging from perfumes, personal care products (e.g. cosmetics, hair care products) to laundry products (e.g. soap, detergent) and deodorants, air fresheners and other products for the manufacturers of this industry in order to create harmonious and pleasant fragrance products.