Company Overview
中國波頓集團有限公司(「中國波頓」或「本公司」)及其子公司(統稱「本集團」)主要從事提取物、香料和香精的研發、製作、貿易和銷售,其亦從事設計及製造高品質電子香煙及其相關產品。 本公司於2005年3月9日在開曼群島註冊成立,並於2005年12月9日在香港聯合交易所有限公司主板上市,是第一間中國的香精香料公司在香港聯交所主板上市。 本集團擁有中國香精香料行業國家級的高新技術企業,透過其主要子公司-深圳波頓香料有限公司(「深圳波頓」)(成立於1991年)及波顿香料股份有限公司(「東莞波頓」)(成立於2014年)生產以“波頓 / Boton”為品牌的香味增強劑、食品香精和日用香精,旗下的“波頓”品牌於2017年獲“深圳老字號”殊榮。中國波頓旗下擁有深圳波頓、東莞波頓、波頓(上海)生物技術、吉瑞科技等多家子公司,在廣東、山東、江西、雲南、上海、茂名等省市設立國家級高新技術研發平台,在深圳、東莞、湖北等地區建立科技環保生產基地。作為中國香料和香精的主要生產商之一,本集團的香料產品出售給中國及海外諸多行業(如煙草、飲料、日常食品、罐頭食品以及鹹味和糖類行業)的生產商,而本集團的香精產品出售給美容品、香水、肥皂、化妝品、護髮用品、除臭劑、洗滌劑以及空氣清新劑行業的生產商。本集團的電子香煙(「電子香煙」)產品,如可棄置電子香煙、可充電電子香煙及電子香煙配件等則出售給煙草公司、獨立電子香煙製造商及多個品牌旗下的其他客戶,涵蓋來自全球多個國家的終端用戶。
China Boton Group Company Limited (“China Boton” or the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (together, the “Group”) principally engaged in the research and development, manufacturing, trading and selling of extracts, flavors and fragrances. It also engaged in design and manufacturing of high quality electronic cigarettes and the related products as well.
The Company was incorporated in the Cayman Islands on 9 March 2005 and its shares were listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on 9 December 2005. It was the first PRC flavors and fragrances company listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
The Group owns various national high-tech enterprises in the flavors and fragrances industry in the PRC. The Group through its principal subsidiaries, Shenzhen Boton Flavors and Fragrances Company Limited (“Shenzhen Boton”) which was established in 1991, and Boton Flavors and Fragrances Co., Limited (“Dongguan Boton”) which was established in 2014, manufactures and sells flavor enhancers, food flavors and fine fragrances under the brand name of “Boton /波頓”. Its “Boton” brand has been awarded the "Shenzhen traditional famous brand” (「深圳老字號」) in 2017. China Boton owns Shenzhen Boton, Dongguan Boton, Boton (Shanghai) Biotechnology, Kimree Technology and other subsidiaries. The Group has set up various national high-tech research and development platforms in Guangdong, Shandong, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Shanghai, Maoming, etc. In Shenzhen, Dongguan and Hubei, China Boton has established scientific and technological environmental protection production plants. As one of the major flavors and fragrances manufacturers in the PRC, our flavors products are sold to wide range of manufacturers of different industries in the PRC and overseas, such as tobacco, beverages, daily foods, preserved food, savory and confectionery industries, and our fragrances products are sold to the manufacturers of cosmetics, perfumes, soaps, toiletries, hair care products, deodorant, detergent and air fresheners industries. For our electronic cigarette (“e-cigarette”) products, such as disposable e-cigarettes, re-chargeable e-cigarettes and e-cigarette accessories, they are sold to the tobacco companies, independent e-cigarette makers and other customers under various brands, covering end users from different countries globally.