王明凡先生自二零零五年四月起出任本公司執行董事兼行政總裁,負責本集團的日常營運,並自二零一二年十月二十五日獲委任為本公司主席。王先生擔任本集團子公司之董事,尤其是本公司主要子公司深圳波頓、東莞波頓及吉瑞。此外,王先生為深圳波頓的董事總經理兼總裁及東莞波頓的主席。王先生於香精及香料行業有逾三十年企業管理經驗。王先生於一九九六年加入本集團,任總經理。彼現任中國人民政治協商會議全國委員會及廣東省深圳市委員會委員、中國香精香料化妝品工業協會理事會副理事長及中國食品添加劑和配料協會副理事長。於加入本集團前,王先生曾在深圳聯海化工有限公司任職副總經理約十年,二零零四年曾獲中共深圳巿南山區委員會及深圳巿南山區政府嘉許為「深圳市南山區十大傑出青年」之一, 二零零四年曾獲中華全國工商業聯合會及中國民營科技實業家協會嘉許為「中國優秀民營科技企業家」。彼於二零零五年三月出任深圳青年企業家聯合副會長,並獲廣東省食品行業協會譽為優秀企業家。王先生為社會公益服務的熱心支持者,於香港多個自願社團出任多個職位,並於二零一五年獲香港特別行政區政府頒發榮譽勳章,作為對其社會服務的認可。


尹淑貞女士自二零二三年十二月起出任本公司非執行董事。尹女士於二零零一年在中央昆士蘭大學獲得商業(會計)學士學位。彼為澳洲會計師公會的會員。尹女士於財務及會計領域擁有逾20 年的工作經驗,並曾於若干商業公司任職。自二零零七年起至二零一八年十二月止,彼曾於本公司擔任助理財務總監,對本公司及其子公司的業務運作及財務背景有深入的了解。

Mr. WANG Ming Fan, has been an executive director and chief executive officer of the Company since April 2005 and is responsible for the daily operation of the Group. He also has been appointed as the Chairman of the Company since 25 October 2012. Mr. Wang holds directorship in subsidiaries across the Group; in particular, principal subsidiaries of the Company, namely, Shenzhen Boton, Dongguan Boton and Kimree. In addition, Mr. Wang is the managing director and president of Shenzhen Boton and the chairman of Dongguan Boton. Mr. Wang has over 30 years of corporate management experience in the flavors and fragrances industries. Mr. Wang first joined the Group in 1996 as a general manager. He is now both a member of 中國人民政治協商會議全國委員會及廣東省深圳市委員會 (the National Committee and the Shenzhen City’s Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference), the vice chairman of the committee of 中國香精香料化妝品工業協會 (China Association of Fragrance Flavor and Cosmetic Industries) and the vice chairman of 中國食品添加劑和配料協會 (China Food Additive & Ingredients Association). Prior to joining the Group, he was the deputy general manager of 深圳聯海化工有限公司 (Shenzhen Lianhai Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd.) for approximately 10 years. Mr. Wang was accredited as one of the “Ten Outstanding Young People in the Nanshan District of Shenzhen”by 中共深圳市南山區委員會 (Nanshan District Committee, Shenzhen of China Communist) and 深圳市南山區政府 (Nanshan District Government, Shenzhen) in 2004 and the “Chinese Distinguished Private Technology Entrepreneur” by 中華全國工商業聯合會 (All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce) and 中國民營科技實業家協會 (China Private Technology Entrepreneur Association) in 2004. He was the vice chairman of Shenzhen Federation of Young Entrepreneurs in March 2005 and was accredited as an Outstanding Entrepreneur by Guangdong Food Profession Association. Mr. Wang is a keen supporter of social service and holds various posts in a few voluntary associations in Hong Kong and has been awarded the Medal of Honour by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2015 for recognition of his social service.

Mr. Li Qing Long has been an executive director of the Company since April 2005. Mr. Li has more than 30 years of R&D and production experience in the flavors and fragrances industries. Mr. Li joined the Group in March 1991 and now holds directorship in some subsidiaries of the Group, in particular, he is a director and a vice president of Shenzhenb Boton. Mr. Li is responsible for the R&D and production of flavors and fragrances of the Group. He graduated from 上海輕工業專科學校 (Shanghai Light Industry Professional School) in 1982 with a major in 有機合成工藝 (organic synthesis process). Prior to joining the Group, he worked in 上海日用香精廠 (Shanghai Flavor and Fragrance Factory) for approximately 8 years.

Mr. YANG Ying Chun has been appointed as an executive director and financial controller of the Company on 5 January 2018. Mr. Yang was the financial controller and a vice president of the Group. He is also a director of Shenzhen Boton. He is responsible of the Group’s overall financial planning and management. Mr. Yang holds the postgraduate degrees in accounting and business administration field. He graduated from 天津財經大學 (Tianjin Finance University) and 蘭州大學管理學院 (Lanzhou University). Mr. Yang joined the Group since 2005 and has accumulated over 20 years experience in finance field. Prior to joining the Group, Mr. Yang worked with different companies as finance manager.
Ms. WAN Shuk Ching Candy has been a non-executive director of the Company since December 2023. Ms. Wan obtained a bachelor’s degree of business (accounting) in Central Queensland University in 2001. She is a CPA Australia Member. Ms. Wan has more than 20 years of working experience in the finance and accounting field and worked in various commercial companies. She had been working in the Company as assistant financial controller since 2007 until December 2018 and had thorough understanding in the business operation and financial background of the Company and its subsidiaries.
Mr. NG Kwun Wan has been an independent non-executive director of the Company since December 2009. Mr. Ng obtained the Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Finance from the Manchester Polytechnic in 1988 and the Master of Commerce majoring in Accounting from the University of New South Wales in 1990. Mr. Ng has been an associate member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants since 1993. Mr. Ng has over 20 years of experience in the accounting and finance industry. From November 1994 to August 2004, Mr. Ng worked for New World Development (China) Limited and New World China Enterprises Projects Limited, both wholly owned subsidiaries of New World Development Company Limited (stock code: 17), and his last position held was deputy general manager. From September 2006 to March 2009, he worked as the general manager of industrial operations in the real estate department of Smart Faith Management Limited, a subsidiary of South China Holdings Company Limited (stock code: 413). Mr. Ng is currently an independent non-executive director of Zhongzhi Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited (stock code: 3737).
Mr. Leung Wai Man, Roger has been an independent non-executive director of the Company since November 2005. Mr. Leung obtained a bachelor’s degree of laws from The University of Hong Kong in 1981. Mr. Leung also obtained degree of Juris Doctor from The University of Western Ontario, Canada in 1990. He has been a practising solicitor in Hong Kong since 1984 and is now a partner of a law firm. Mr. Leung was admitted as a solicitor in England and Wales and Ontario, Canada. Mr. Leung has over 30 years of working experience in the legal field. He has served as a member of the Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance) from 1997 to 2005 and has been serving as an appointed Attesting Officer in the PRC since January 2003. Mr. Leung is currently an independent non-executive director of Hi Sun Technology (China) Limited (stock code: 818).
Mr. Zhou Xiao Xiong has been an independent non-executive director of the Company since November 2005. Mr. Zhou obtained a bachelor’s degree in 經濟信息管理系 (Economic Information Management) and had his postgraduate study in 世界經濟 (World Economics) from the 中國人民大學 (Renmin University of China) in 1983 and 1998 respectively. Mr. Zhou obtained a master degree in Master of Business Administration from 清華大學 (Tsinghua University) in 2008. Mr. Zhou has worked as senior management in a number of financial institutions in the PRC including 廣東證券有限公司 (Guangdong Securities Company Limited), 中國銀行股份有限公司 (Bank of China Limited) and 中山證券有限責任公司 (Zhongshan Securities Company Limited), and has over 20 years of experience in the fields of financial services and investment banking. Mr. Zhou is at present the chairman of J.P. Morgan Futures Company Limited in China.
Mr. Yau How Boa (邱浩波) has been an independent non-executive director of the Company since 3 April 2023. Mr. Yau obtained a bachelor’s degree in law from Peking University in 1997 and a master’s degree in law from the City University of Hong Kong in 2003. He was also educated in the United States of America and obtained a master degree in Social Work. Mr. Yau is the Chairman of Hong Kong Social Service Professional Alliance of The Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macau Greater Bay Area Limited. He is also the Chief Executive of International Social Service Hong Kong Branch and the Asia-Pacific Regional Coordinator of International Social Service. Mr. Yau has more than 40 years of management experience. He has been actively involved in public service. He serves on various committees and boards, including the Institute of Social Service Development (Chairman), Wofoo Social Enterprises (Chairman), HKFA Football Training Centre (Chairman), Steering Committee on Population Policy (Advisor), etc. Mr. Yau had also participated in various public service in the past, including: the Liquor Licensing Board (Chairman), Hong Kong Football Association Ltd (Director), Central Policy Unit, Elderly Commission, Betting and Lotteries Commission, Town Planning Board, Legal Aid Services Council, Council on Human Reproductive Technology, Post-Release Supervision Board, Energy Advisory Committee, Social Welfare Advisory Committee, etc. He was the District Councillor of Wanchai District from 2004 to 2011.